Our Team

Green Allotments Trustees

Angus Hanton

An allotment holder in the 1980s and active gardener since then, Angus has helped set up the community gardens at Bell House in Dulwich where a group of gardeners manage two acres of gardens including extensive vegetable gardens with bees and vines. He has built up a network of allotment experts and managers who are keen to help with the Green Allotments charity and who have helped to formulate practical ideas. Beyond this, Angus has been an active buyer of land for over 30 years and is, therefore, very aware of the issues relating to finding and purchasing land.

A head and shoulders photograph of Green Allotments trustee Angus Hanton,

Harriet Lamb CBE

Harriet Lamb CBE is an experienced leader of charities addressing social and environmental issues. Her work has included supporting nature-based solutions to the climate crisis and people’s need for healthy food and for green space in which to spend time, of which Green Allotments can be a vital part. She has experience of supporting community groups and of engaging local authorities to support local community solutions, as well of managing charities. A green gardener herself, she is and has been a trustee of a number of charities including of a vegetable box scheme buying from local community gardens.

A photograph of Green Allotments trustee Harriet Lamb with a spaniel dog.

Helen Boome

Helen is an economist and chartered accountant.  She spent twenty years at PwC before retiring to spend more time with her family.  She is a keen gardener and environmentalist and is passionate about the natural legacy we leave to future generations.

Green Allotments Staff

CEO: Dr Deborah Burn PhD

Deborah is co-author of the Local Government Association’s good practice guide for the management of allotments “Growing in the Community”. She has worked for a national project to increase the popularity of allotments (2003-2011) and earned a PhD for her research into informal social cooperation without incentives amongst allotment gardeners. Deb worked as Research and Development Officer for The National Allotment Society before moving to Green Allotments in early 2024. She has been an allotment gardener since 1995 and has served as chair of a devolved management allotment association.

A photograph of Dr Deborah Burn gardening in her allotment polytunnel.

Green Allotments Volunteers

Volunteers are a big part of what we do here at Green Allotments. Everyone involved with the charity has volunteered throughout the life course and we cherish the ideas and energy that volunteers bring. We have a team of over a dozen volunteers, ranging from specialists in allotments, HR and Geographical Information Systems, through to our online warriors of Desk-Based Researchers.

Volunteer Spotlight: Alan Marsh

One of our specialist volunteers, Alan Marsh, shares the background and experiences which brought him to volunteering and to Green Allotments in particular.

Coming from a photography background, where he has spent spent years focussing on items of food amongst other things, Alan then discovered the world of allotments. He is particularly interested in the position allotments have within the food-growing movement which is flourishing at the moment, and how they can be harnessed more.

Having been lucky enough to get a plot on a site in Lewisham, South-East London, Alan’s attention was turned to their organisation and management as well as his evident experience of day-to-day enjoyment. It was not long before Alan was invited to join a newly formed regional National Allotment Society committee, where he is a committed and enthusiastic contributor. So, armed with valuable experience and those insights acquired, together with energy and enthusiasm, he is happy to share this wherever he finds it useful to do so.

Will you Volunteer with Green Allotments?

We list our current volunteer vacancies on our Volunteer page, please Click Here to see current volunteer vacancies.