It’s February!
And, on Sunday, I was overconfident upon realising that it wasn’t freezing outside.
I felt that gentle, almost receding warmth of sunbeams on my face. I left for the day wearing a light outfit and with a spring in my step, only to be frozen later in the plummeting temperatures of pink and purple twilight. It turns out that the meek winter sun, young in the year, had only peeped through winter’s heavy curtain. I scurried home, scolded, and, despite the end now in sight, winter still presided over the land.
The change of the season is often a period of misjudged clothing, of the putting on and taking off of layers. Sometimes, for me at least, it seems hard not to be both too warm and too cold at different points on the same day. As we move from February into March, and into April, I wish you all good fortune in your calculations, as you look out the window in the morning and try to guess the temperatures to come. I also hope you’re as excited for spring as I am.
February is a month for hope, and hope is like a seed, and February, as it happens, is also a month for seeds. This month you can start to sow some tender crops under covers. Aubergines, peppers, tomatoes, and chillies. Think of it now: a February Pasta, triumphantly eaten later down the line, of homegrown garlic, tomatoes, peppers and chillies, perhaps also with some spinach and peas (also grown under cover) mixed in for that extra green nutrition.
February is also a month to look forward to the coming year. At Green Allotments it’s going to be busy, and we would love to hear you have planned.
There’s lots to be done! The sun is peeping through, and so are we. As we go forward let’s grow!