What we do

We are Green Allotments, a charity with a mission to increase provision of allotments in areas of high demand. We secure land and support local communities to run their own allotment sites. 

We enable more people to grow their own food.

We create allotment sites, where they are needed, to address local shortfalls in provision.


We empower local communities to self-organise, run their own allotment sites and steward the land.

From the design stages to the management of the site, we support local people to be in control. We ensure systems in place are fair, efficient and inclusive.


We foster best practices in sustainability and environmental protection

Our advice and education work promotes

-biodiversity and natural pest management

-looking after the soil

-the reduction or elimination of chemicals & plastics

-conservation of the land for current and future generations

Why more allotments? And why now?

Allotments are highly beneficial to people and the planet.  They contribute to  solutions to our climate crisis and food insecurity. Allotments provide:

Benefits for physical and mental health.  It is well-established that meaningful outdoor activity is beneficial both to mental and physical health.  Being outdoors and in nature aids stress reduction, promotes good mental health, and constitutes gentle to moderate exercise.  Enabling allotment users to grow their own wholesome produce, encourages higher consumption of fruit and vegetables and, in turn, a healthier diet.

Opportunities for increased social interaction and community belonging.  Loneliness and Isolation is increasing in modern living. Allotments benefit individuals and local communities through the provision of communal gardening spaces where  people can mix and interact with those in the local area.  This facilitates social and support networks to form and flourish. 

Through managing their own plots, people gain the educational benefits of learning how to grow their own produce and manage their allotment space.  This hones skills in horticulture, food production and preservation of the environment.  Allotments provide volunteering opportunities and can be important sites for children and young people to learn about the natural world and how their food is produced.

Allotment sites have been described as an ‘oasis of biodiversity’ and bring environmental benefits to local people and the natural environment.  They  promote ‘self-sustainability’: reducing food miles and providing a cost-effective and lower carbon footprint way to organise the local food economy. 

Read more about the benefits of allotments:

MYHarvest undertakes research into the contribution of own-growing to UK national food production.

A report from the Brighton and Hove Allotment Federation into the social and financial benefits of allotments for local authorities.

Researchers from across the UK found that small scale urban food production maintains soil functioning and health compared to conventional agriculture.