Volunteer with Green Allotments!
Green Allotments is a charity on a mission to create new allotment sites in England and Wales.
Volunteers are at the heart of our charity and are involved in everything we do. All of the people here at Green Allotments have been involved in volunteering from a young age, believing in the value of the ideas volunteers bring.
We welcome people interested in volunteering for our charity. Our current volunteer roles are shown below and all are home-based. If this is something you are interested in or would like to find out more, you can use our Contact Form to get in touch at any time.
Our current volunteer vacancies
- Social Media Supporters: Share our posts on your socials, less than one hour per week, no long-term commitment. Our easiest and lowest time commitment volunteer role. Great for you if you are new to volunteering or have only just a little time to donate to us.
- Volunteer Desk-based Researchers: Up to 1-2 hrs per week to look up information e.g. we might ask you to look for details about allotments in a given area, we will show you how to do this.
- Occasional professional/specialist micro-volunteers in the areas of Marketing and PR, Human Resources: These are one-off (short) specialist tasks. We will ask you for advice or signposting on a specialist topic. This role can be tailored to your circumstances to suit you, e.g. by email, phone or zoom.
All of our volunteer roles are home-based. There are no set hours when volunteering for us and you can turn down anything that you are offered. Obviously, we will treat you with dignity and respect.
Contact us for a no obligation discussion. In the interests of diversity, we are open to receiving enquiries by whichever method you are most comfortable with, e.g. you can message us on social media, send us a video or voice snippet, or type a message in our Contact Form.
At present we are unable to accept applications from under 18s, although we hope to be able to do so in the future as our charity grows.
Contact Us for further information and help us to create new non-profit allotment sites in England and Wales.
Volunteer with Green Allotments and you will be helping to towards a more sustainable future for all.